Sofa Workshop choose CIE Group
Sofa Workshop choose CIE Group
Sofa Workshop is one of the UK’s leading premium-brand furniture manufacturers and retailers. Founded in 1985, Sofa Workshop – trading under the name of Sofa Workshop by Timothy Oulton – now has 20 stores located throughout the UK and prides itself on providing high quality, stylish and customisable sofas and home furnishings.
The Sofa Workshop Tottenham Court Road store is the brand’s flagship showroom to showcase the entire product collection in the UK’s capital.
With an 8,000 sq ft store in this prime location, ensuring that the atmosphere reflects the premium branding is a key factor in the design. Providing high-quality, reliable background music throughout both floors of the store is integral to the store aesthetic. Professional music service provider – Altaura – were brought on-board to design and curate an audio strategy to reflect the Sofa Workshop brand.
CIE’s audio system design team specified and supplied a flexible background music system, powered by Inter-M products and installed by ISCVE member, Direct Audio Visual.

The Sofa Workshop flagship store uses an Inter-M’s PAM340A mixer amplifier to power a series of discreet music loudspeakers and ceiling speakers installed throughout two floors of the retail space.
The system allows for multiple audio source inputs and 5 zone loudspeaker outputs with individual volume control; allowing background music levels to be independently adjusted in different areas of the store to accommodate for varying conditions such as ambient noise levels, foot traffic and ceiling heights.
A mix of Inter-M WS30 wall-mount music speakers were used on the upper floor where high ceilings and exposed cable trays allowed for variable positioning whilst downstairs, which features comparatively low suspended ceilings, Inter-M CS620 ceiling speakers were chosen to provide even distribution of sound across the lower-floor showroom space.
An SLA100 Attenuator positioned behind the reception desk allows staff easy remote volume control of the system without having to access the amplifier directly in the back-of-house facilities room.