
Updated ISCVE statement on Coronavirus (Covid-19)


We are continuing to closely monitor the developments and advice from the UK government, Public Health England, the NHS and the World Health Organisation, particularly in relation to ISCVEx 2020.

We are focused on maintaining normality where possible – as kneejerk reactions tend not to be helpful. The current position from the UK govenrment is that categorically stopping all events is not necessary. This is clearly a fast-moving situation and the government will need to make some challenging decisions that are proportionate to the risks.

We particularly ask that anyone planning to attend ISCVEx 2020 that believes they may have been exposed to the Coronavirus, or who is not feeling well, are asked to refrain from joining us for the safety of other attendees.  Also anyone who considers themselves to be at high risk to serious illness, should also take responsible measures.

We shall be adopting this safety plan;

Safety Measures


We will keep up-to-date information on our event websites pertaining to the status of the event, and precautions for attendees onsite

We will send email communications to registered event participants with any pertinent updates leading up to the event


  • We will provide sanitation stations onsite at the event with alcohol-based hand sanitiser,.
  • We will provide signage onsite encouraging attendees to practice Respiratory Hygiene.
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue (not hands) when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your hands, nose, and mouth to avoid transferring germs from surfaces
  • Discard a used tissue immediately into a closed rubbish bin.
  • Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based sanitiser and/or soap and water.
  • We will ask the venues we use to regularly sanitise all surfaces throughout the event space.
  • We will be sanitising speaker microphones between each speaker’s use

We Ask Attendees To:

  • Adopt a no-handshake policy at the event
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Cough or sneeze into elbows only
  • Stay home if they are sick or experiencing any cold/flu-like symptoms for their own safety and the safety of others
  • Seek medical care right away and alert our staff at registration should they begin to experience cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing) onsite.