
Hearing Loop Assessment Scheme


The ISCVE has an Assessment Scheme to offer organisations a source of competent individuals and companies who can test and assess hearing loops for correct operation and performance.

Many surveys reveal that hearing loop systems are sometimes badly installed or maintained. Having a correctly installed and operational Induction Loop system is a legal requirement under the Equalities Act and is therefore, vitality important to any public building.

ISCVE members who are accredited and registered on the Hearing Loop Assessment Scheme, are competent and trained in the latest techniques and practices and have passed at least one ISCVE Hearing Loop Systems training course, have evidence of three recent successful Hearing Loop System installations, with confirmation by the client of satisfaction, or are former members of BSI committee EPL100–1 (the BS 7594 committee) or TC29 MT20 or former or current members of TC29 WG22 (the IEC committees).

If you are an ISCVE fellow, member, senior technician or technician and want to join this scheme, please apply via the online registration form located in the Members’ only pages of the website.

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