Illumino Ignis show PAVA Systems at ISCVEx 2024!
Illumino Ignis show PAVA Systems at ISCVEx 2024!
Illumino Ignis ltd specialise in the design, supply, commission, supply and support of fire safety, emergency lighting and disability products, in addition to public address voice alarm systems and they are coming to ISCVEx 2024. Make sure you register in advance to attend!
Illumino Ignis Ltd
Illumino Ignis are independent, professional and highly experienced. We specialise in the design, commission, supply and support of an incredible range of fire safety, emergency lighting and disability products as well as public address voice alarm systems.

A Range of Solutions
Illumino Ignis design Public Address Voice Evacuation Systems (PA/VA Systems), offers systems that are as well as compact as modular, the voice alarm systems are designed to meet the demands of installers and users alike. Demystifying the traditional ‘rack-mounted’ systems that rely on complex configuration.
Our Compact 500 and Impact voice alarm systems have range of products with remote controlled zone-expanders for both simplified zone switching (IMPACT-SW) and for complex Multi-Media applications (IMPACT-MM) (FIM) fault isolator module, detects, Locates and Isolates in less than 4 seconds, protects the loop integrity against any open and wire-to wire short circuit. Loopdrive Booster (LDB) overall is the heart of the loopdrive systems, drives up to 200 FIM’s over the dual-core cable.
Illumino Ignis, facilitate the accessibility of providing high-quality, reliable and efficient solutions tailored to their specific needs.