Launch of ISCVE Wellbeing Club on Strava
Launch of ISCVE Wellbeing Club on Strava
ISCVE has launched a Strava Club for its members aimed at encouraging and improving health, fitness and wellbeing for its members.
Strava is an app and website for tracking physical exercise. It also incorporates social network features and allows group/club members to chat, post activities and invite each other to fitness challenges, ranging from walking, running, cycling and more over distance or time.
Neil Voce, president for ISCVE comments, ‘a number of supporting members in the audio-visual community have mentioned to me they are regular cyclists and often use Strava to record their achievements, so I thought it would be a great idea to set up an ISCVE Club for members and supporting members to share and chat about their acctivities. It also occurred to me that it should be open to all types of exercise, fitness and wellbeing to make it more inclusive‘.
We are launching with a 500k group challenge for June 2022, which members are invited to participate in. This means any distance walked, ran or cycled will contribute to the overall challenge, so ten people walking 5k will contribute 50k to the challenge and so on.
Members are invited to download Strava, there are free and paid subscriptions for the service, and join the ISCVE Wellbeing Club here.
Here’s a summary of our stats for this week, as you can see they are quite low as we get started and need more members to get involved and share their activities in the Club.