Members - Bryan Robinson HonFInstSCVE MAES

Bryan Robinson HonFInstSCVE MAES


Bryan has worked in the audio industry since 1957.  In 1972, he founded Robbotronic Co. who consult/design and install sound reinforcement systems in Local Government Council Chambers, offices and leisure Centres; He also carries out his work in conference centres, churches, cathedrals and many commercial Company boardrooms.

Since 1976, Bryan has been actively involved in AFILS, I/R and FM Systems for the hearing impaired persons of all ages, and is a qualified ISCVE Loop Assessor.

He joined the APAE in 1974 and became an ISCVE Member in 1983, serving on the Council for many years.  He is the former Finance Committee Chairman and continues to serve on the Membership Committee and as a Director of the ISCVE.

Bryan has always been passionate about encouraging young persons into our industry.