Members - Doug Edworthy HonFInstSCVE

Doug Edworthy HonFInstSCVE

Director, Finance Committee Chairman

Doug Edworthy is the principal hearing loop technology specialist for the Institute of Sound, Communications & Visual Engineers, and has presented papers to the Institute of Acoustics and the ISCVE on subjects ranging from Audio Frequency Induction Loop Systems to Voice Alarm Systems. In 2011, he presented three papers at the 2nd International Hearing Loop Conference in Washington DC.

Doug was the key technical trainer at Millbank Electronics (for customers and in-house) from 1982 to 1994, providing training on systems compliance with the BS 5839 and EN54 Voice Alarm standards.As an independent consultant, Doug has designed and presented technical training for manufacturers, their customers, and the Zurich Insurance Company (UK and International divisions).He has been presenting training in North America, Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Hong Kong, and he has received numerous plaudits from participants with a first language other than English.