Peter Mapp HonFInstSCVE
Although he has a string of academic qualifications as long as your arm, Dr Peter Mapp is renowned for his down to earth and pragmatic approach to sound system design and acoustics and also for his relaxed style of lecturing.
Peter has lectured all over the world and was nominated ‘Instructor of the year’ by the National Sound Contractor’s Association of America. He is a contributing author to several technical reference books on audio and acoustics and has written and presented numerous papers to the Institute of Acoustics and Audio Engineering Society. Peter is a member of several British and International Standards committees and is currently chair of IEC 60268-16, the standard for the measurement of the Speech Transmission Index (STI). A background in physics, acoustics and measurement and on a practical level, designing and measuring over 800 sound systems, give Peter a unique perspective to discuss sound system design, speech intelligibility and measurement.