This is custom heading element
Following the rebrand to ISCVE Ltd (The Institute of Sound, Communications & Visual Engineers) the following designatory letters will apply;
- Student: no designatory letters
- Graduate: GradInstSCE becomes GradInstSCVE
- Associate: AInstSCE becomes AInstSCVE
- Technician: TechInstSCE becomes TechInstSCVE
- Senior Technician: SenTechInstSCE becomes SenTechInstSCVE
- Affiliate Member: AMInstSCE becomes AMInstSCVE
- Member: MInstSCE becomes MInstSCVE
- Fellow: FInstSCE becomes FInstSCVE
- Companion: CompInstSCE becomes CompInstSCVE
If you have any questions relating to designatory letters please email