Save our Salmon!
Save our Salmon!
Recent studies are providing evidence that many juvenile Salmon and Sea Trout are being lost in freshwater and coastal zones, on their way to feeding grounds.
ISCVE’s supporting member, ADS Worldwide, received an unusual enquiry from a research institute who were looking for an underwater loudspeaker to help ongoing research with the Salmon and Sea Trout.
ADS got in touch with ISCVE supporting member, DNH World-Wide, to source a loudspeaker which emits tones into the water and diverts the fish into a safe live trap. This allowed the fish to be studied before being safely released back into the water.
The client selected DNH’s Aqua 30, a completely sealed loudspeaker designed for underwater applications, as the solution. Tests are ongoing, but let’s hope that the Aqua 30 can SAVE OUR SALMON!